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Illustration of a Qair solar PV storage power plant

Energy Management

Qair’s Energy Management team shapes tailored solutions to provide a reliable supply of electricity that fits customers’ decarbonization strategies. Based on the customer’s energy needs and environment, we build the best-adapted offer to mitigate risks and optimize flexibility from our diverse portfolio of assets. Our goal is to ensure a stable, long-term and cost-effective supply of electricity.

Ilustration for Qair's power purchase agreement activity

Power Purchase Agreement

Through Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), Qair provides its customers with a long-term and cost-effective supply of green electricity.

Our PPA team works closely with customers to optimize their energy sourcing strategy. Thanks to a large and diversified portfolio, contracts can easily be adapted and customized. We also offer cost-controlled contracts to provide protection against market fluctuations.

As a pioneer in renewable hydrogen, we offer Hydrogen Purchase Agreements (HPA), a solution particularly suited to customers looking to reduce both Scope 2 and Scope 1 emissions.

Photo of employees at Qair's Britania Crest recycling facility


Energy-from-waste consists of treating non-recyclable waste to produce clean energy. Using this technology, Qair’s priority is to generate baseload electricity for local communities and provide hot water for industries and district heating networks. Our methods also yield valuable by-products, including recyclable materials and metals.

The benefits of energy-from-waste include long-term controlled prices and a significant decrease in the volume of waste. Furthermore, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions, has no negative impact on the environment, and cuts the risk of epidemics by destroying bacteria and viruses.

Battery storage

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are crucial for managing and optimizing renewable energies. Our turnkey BESS solutions cover the entire value chain and meet a wide range of needs. We are continually expanding our offer to position ourselves as a major player in the sector.

Battery storage optimizes the energy intermittency inherent to most renewable energy-producing assets. Through our solutions, we aim to provide a more predictable and reliable source of electricity.

Our team can also offer solutions to reduce the challenges of grid saturation and increased market volatility with the development, construction and operation of standalone BESS.

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