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Illustration of Eolmed, Qair's floating offshore project


Located in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Port-La Nouvelle (Aude), the Eolmed project consists in the installation of wind turbines on floating foundations more than 18km away from the coast.

The wind turbines will be on the bathymetry of the 62m depth and anchored to the seabed. This park with a total capacity of around 30 MW will produce nearly 100 million kWh per year, i.e. the annual electricity consumption of 50,000 inhabitants.

STATUSUnder construction

TECHNOLOGIEFloating offshore



EolMed – France

Qair's renewable hydrogen project Hyd'Occ


Hyd’Occ, a high-capacity green hydrogen production unit (1 to 15 t/d)  in Port-la Nouvelle (Aude) is planned as part of a joint venture with AREC (Regional Energy and Climate Agency) Occitania. Producer but also distributor of green hydrogen, Qair offers a complete range of services associated with the use of hydrogen. We wish to industrialize hydrogen production in order to rapidly reduce production costs and achieve real economic competitiveness, and we thus aim for a 20% market share in Occitania by 2050.

STATUSUnder construction

TECHNOLOGYRenewable hydrogen by electrolysis


CAPACITY50 MW ( with a first tranche of 20 MW)


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Illustration of Eolmed, Qair's floating offshore project

EolMed – France

Located in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Port-La Nouvelle, Aude, France, Eolmed consists in the installation of wind turbines on floating foundations more than 18km away from the coast. The wind turbines will be on the bathymetry of the 62m depth and anchored to the seabed. This park with a total capacity of around 30 MW will produce nearly 100 million kWh per year, i.e. the annual electricity consumption of 50,000 inhabitants.

Key data

30 MW


18 km

From the shore

3 turbines

110 kWh

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